• 聯(lián)系人:人力資源部
          • 電   話:0571-86911651
          • 郵   箱:amhhr@anrei.com.cn
        • 求職貼士
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        • ·招聘單位以任何名義收取求職者押金、報名費、存檔費,保證金均屬違法行為,請求職者注意規(guī)避。
        • ·求職者如發(fā)現(xiàn)招聘信息含虛假、詐騙情況,請及時與我們聯(lián)系,我們在核實后將作出處理。
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          • 安瑞醫(yī)療器械(杭州)有限公司
          • 所在地區(qū):杭州市
          • 企業(yè)性質:外商獨資.外企辦事處
          • 企業(yè)規(guī)模:-


          安瑞醫(yī)療器械(杭州)有限公司,是2006年由美商獨資成立的醫(yī)療器械生產(chǎn)企業(yè)。公司自成立以來一直專注于各類一次性微創(chuàng)手術器械及各類高科技微創(chuàng)介入醫(yī)療產(chǎn)品領域的研究和開發(fā),是一家集研發(fā)、制造、銷售和服務于一體的高科技企業(yè)!  翱萍即蛟炀,誠信鑄就品牌,安瑞愿為廣大患者鑄造一艘健康的諾亞方舟”是公司的經(jīng)營宗旨。我們致力于人才的培養(yǎng)和新產(chǎn)品技術的引進,不僅擁有多位美國微創(chuàng)手術器械和微創(chuàng)介入醫(yī)療產(chǎn)品設計研發(fā)專家,并且每年都選派大量優(yōu)秀人才到美國進行技術培訓,同時也邀請國外的專業(yè)技術指導和臨床專家來中國進行技術培訓與交流!  盎颊叩奈⑿褪墙o我們最好的嘉獎”,安瑞依托國外的強大技術支持,以高起點、高質量、高信譽度作為唯一標準要求自己,并以優(yōu)雅的外觀設計、精密的制作工藝、嚴謹?shù)馁|量控制和超高的實用性價比,贏得了患者和醫(yī)生的廣泛信賴與贊譽。   作為一名以質量與信譽貫穿使命的健康導航者,我們時刻關注著臨床前沿技術的最新發(fā)展與患者需求的不斷變化。在安瑞人眼中:醫(yī)生和患者的需求永遠是我們關注的焦點,為醫(yī)生和患者提供一流的產(chǎn)品與完美的服務。堅持嚴謹、求實、真誠的態(tài)度,用不懈的努力,力爭成為醫(yī)生最好的合作伙伴與患者心目中最忠實的朋友! nrei Medical (HZ) Co., Ltd., a US wholly owned in 2006. The company has been developing disposable medical devices for use in a variety of minimally invasive procedures since inception and is a high-tech company vertically integrated in the areas of research and development, manufacturing, distribution and customer service.  Our mission statement - “Science and technology create superior products. Integrity builds brand. Anrei is dedicated to building a Noah's Ark in healthcare for its customers.” Anrei has been developing its talent pool and technology portfolio - not only have we brought on board several experts from the US leading research and development of minimally invasive surgical devices, but also have been sending our talents to the US for technical training every year. In addition, we invite technical and clinical experts from overseas to China to provide training.  Smiles on our patients are our best reward. With the help of strong technical support from overseas, Anrei has a higher starting point, higher quality and higher degree of credibility as our only standards. Thanks to our products of elegant design, precise manufacturing process, stringent quality control and superior value, Anrei has won extensive praise and trust from clinicians and patients.  As a navigator of healthcare in quality and reputation, Anrei has always been utilizing cutting-edge technologies to satisfy the ever-changing needs of our patients. In our mind, clinicians and patients are always our focus. We provide the better products and services to our customers. We continue to be rigorous, sincere and trustworthy and we make every effort to become the best partner to clinicians and a loyal friend to our patients.


          • 電子郵箱:點擊查看
          • 企業(yè)地址:杭州經(jīng)濟技術開發(fā)區(qū)10號大街280號

